engineering science technology

What vision of doom made Hawking seek a faster Earth exit plan?

What vision of doom made Hawking seek a faster Earth exit plan?

Stephen Hawking now says humanity must colonise other worlds within a century, rather than 1000 years, to ensure survival. Why the rush, asks Dirk Schulze-Makuch
A pandemic could wipe us out
Physicist Stephen Hawking says that the human species has only 100 years to populate another planet to ensure its survival. His claim, for a new series of BBC science show Tomorrow´s World, has stirred controversy.
The big question is why Hawking has revised his previous estimate, voiced just last year, that we have 1000 years to enact an escape plan. Why bring the timeframe forward to within a single human lifetime?
Sure, politically the world feels edgier than it did a year ago, and certainly scarier than at the end of the cold war and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But do we have scientifically valid reasons to conclude that the existential threat has risen drastically of late?
The chances of being hit by a big asteroid or fried by a nearby star going supernova have not increased. Contact with potentially hostile aliens does not seem to be any closer. There is no evidence so far of intelligent life out there and we are emitting fewer deliberate signs of our existence (even if a few messages are still being beamed into space, such as one in the direction of the star Polaris on 10 October 2016).
So, Hawking´s reasoning must be based on something else. Perhaps he’s worried that nanotechnology will take on a life of its own and transform the planet into grey goo? And he has certainly pondered the rise of artificial intelligence smarter than humans, which could eventually deem us a threat and extinguish us.
But the highest rating of the “catastrophometer” that science writer David Darling and I devised for our book Megacatastrophes! Nine Strange Ways the World Could End was the danger of a pandemic – which scored 7.5 out of 10 in terms of likelihood. The rise of antibiotic-resistant microbes and the Ebola outbreak that started in 2014 in west Africa underline the threat.
Alternatively, greenhouse gas emissions that continue to contribute to global warming could unleash dangerous climate change. There’s a lot of recent pessimism that this can be averted.
These last two scenarios differ from the other risks – they could bring down human civilisation but would not wipe out our species. But maybe Hawking isn’t drawing a hard line between the extinction of civilisation and the extinction of the species. Most of us would regard a return to the caves as akin to the end of our “species” – the demise of “Homo sapiens technologicus“.
Importantly, those catastrophes that do not come hurtling out of the blackness of space depend on us. Will we be able to advance technologies but circumvent the dangers they may raise? Will we manage our planet and its unique biosphere so that it will be the blue marble for future generations too?
Maybe Hawking, against a gloomier backdrop, has simply become more pessimistic about our ability to do this.
I agree with him that we should be colonising a planet within the next 100 years. However, the primary reason to get on with it is more mundane: the danger presented by an increasingly virtual world. Why bother building a spaceship and making the arduous journey to Mars or some other planet when you can experience whatever you wish in a simulation?
In which case, all might seem well… until someone or something pulls the plug.
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