engineering science technology

The £2.2billion superlab where scientists are creating a star on Earth

The £2.2billion superlab where scientists are creating a star on Earth

It may look like any average building but behind closed doors could lie the answer to safe renewable energy of the future.   
Here at the National Ignition Facility in Livermore California, scientists are aiming to build the world's first sustainable fusion reactor by 'creating a miniature star on Earth'.
Following a series of key experiments over the last few weeks, the £2.2 billion project has inched a little closer to its goal of igniting a workable fusion reaction by 2012.

According to the National Ignition Facility (NIF) team in Livermore, on November 2 they fired up the 192 lasers beams at the centre of the reactor and aimed them at a glass target containing tritium and deuterium gas.
The resulting release of energy was of a magnitude of 1.3 million mega joules, which was a world record and the peak radiation temperature measure at the core was approximately six million degrees Fahrenheit.
For a direct comparison, the temperature at the centre of the sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.
However, this recent experiment was not 'live' in that no self-sustaining fusion reaction was set off, although the scientists at NIF are extremely confident for the future.
'The results of all of these experiments are extremely encouraging,' said the NIF director Ed Moses.
'They give us great confidence that we will be able to achieve ignition conditions in deuterium-tritium fusion targets.'
Researchers have been working towards this kind of breakthrough since the facility began construction in 1997.
Anticipating that self-sustaining fusion could be a reality within two years, the implications for the planet are astounding.

Precision: Technicians fired up the 192 lasers beams at the centre of the reactor and aimed them at a glass target containing tritium and deuterium gas
Intense: The team created a temperature at the centre of the reactor that reached six million degrees farenheit
Officials at NIF estimate that a prototype power station version of the fusion reactor could be operational by 2020 and that by 2050, almost a quarter of the United States energy could be supplied by fusion power.
The National Ignition Facility is the brainchild of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration and is the world's largest laser scientific construction project.
It is inside NIF's 130-ton target chamber where the neutrons fired by the 192 lasers stimulate the fusion reaction.
The holes in the chamber which is 10 metres in diameter and covered in 30 cm thick concrete permits the 192 laser beams to enter the chamber.
The process is known as conducting inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and when the reactor eventually goes live it will generate unprecedented temperatures and pressures in the target materials which are held in a tiny glass ball.
The temperatures inside the chamber will be more than 100 million degrees and create pressures more than 100 billion times Earth's atmospheric pressure.
These conditions are more similar to those in the stars, cores of giant planets rather than in a government facility just east of San Francisco.
Complex: Experts predict that reactor could be operational by 2020 and that by 2050 a quarter of U.S. energy could be supplied by fusion power
Housed in a ten-storey building the size of three football fields, NIF has long been the dream of energy researchers not just in America, but also across the world.
'The idea for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) grew out of a decades-long effort to generate fusion burn and gain in the laboratory,' said a spokesperson for NIF.
'Current nuclear power plants, which use fission, or the splitting of atoms, to produce energy, have been pumping out electric power for more than 50 years.
'But achieving nuclear fusion burn and gain has not yet been demonstrated to be viable for energy production.
'For fusion burn and gain to occur, a special fuel consisting of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium must first 'ignite'.
'In the 1970's, scientists began experimenting with powerful laser beams to compress and heat the hydrogen isotopes to the point of fusion, a technique called inertial confinement fusion, or ICF.
'The rapid heating caused by the laser "driver" makes the outer layer of the target explode.
'In keeping with Isaac Newton's Third Law (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction), the remaining portion of the target is driven inwards in a rocket-like implosion, causing compression of the fuel inside the capsule and the formation of a shock wave, which further heats the fuel in the very centre and results in a self-sustaining burn known as ignition.' 
Powerful: The reactor could be a miniature sun on earth providing energy for thousands of people when it is working as a power station in 2020
NIF will be the first laser in which the energy released from the fusion fuel will exceed the laser energy used to produce the fusion reaction.
The NIF Control Room, housing the Integrated Computer Control System, is modelled on NASA's Mission Control in Houston, Texas, and is one of the most complex automated control systems ever designed for a scientific machine.
'It has 850 computers all working to align the laser beams to within 50 micrometers,' said a spokesperson for NIF.
Unlike with fission power which is utilised at nuclear power stations and has seen accidents such as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, fusion power is safe and relatively green.
'Although fusion is a nuclear process, it also differs from the fission process in that there is no radioactive by-product from the fusion reaction only helium gas and a neutron,' said a spokesperson for NIF.
'Fusion energy is very promising as a long-term future energy source, as the fuels required to generate it are relatively abundant on Earth and the creation of energy is safe and friendly to the environment.
'Deuterium is extracted from seawater, and tritium is derived from the metal lithium, a common element in soil.
'One gallon of seawater would provide the equivalent energy of 300 gallons petrol, and fuel from 50 cups of water contains the energy equivalent of two tons of coal.
'A fusion power plant would be carbon free, as well as produce considerably lower amounts and less difficult-to-store radioactive byproducts than current nuclear power plants.
'Also, there would be no danger of a runaway reaction or core ''meltdown'' in a fusion power plant.
'Consequently, fusion energy would be beneficial to both the environment and the economy.
'NIF is just the first step, and further research and technology development are needed to reach this goal.'
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